Free Download Sqlite for Mac Os X Updated

Free Download Sqlite for Mac Os X

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Database software can help you to organize, runway, and store information securely. Sure, you tin use a spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets to store information, but if the information is complex or connected to other data in multiple ways, a spreadsheet may not be enough. Spreadsheets can also get unwieldy if y'all're dealing with large amounts of data.

Although database software tin can be helpful a good database plan, such as Microsoft Access, tin be expensive. But there are open source alternatives to a pricey database. In this article, I'll provide a cursory overview of some of the best free database software tools for Macs.

What Is Database Software?

Simply put, database software allows you to shop, maintain, and retrieve information. But at that place'south nothing simple well-nigh databases. At that place are a wide variety of database types ranging from general purpose databases that can but exist used along with a database querying language such as SQL to specialized databases with user-friendly GUIs and predesigned reports that are designed for a single purpose, such as keeping track of customers or keeping.

Database software Database software Database software
Database software allows y'all to store, maintain, and retrieve information. (Paradigm source: Envato Elements)

Specialized predesigned databases are growing in popularity--and with good reason. They're easy to use and require no programming background. Merely if y'all own a business you may still have a need to invest in a single database software that lets you go on multiple types of records, design your own reports, and integrate with your other software tools.

To larn more about databases, take one of our premium courses. Learn nigh relational databases, SQL essentials, database design, and many other topics. You'll notice any of our premium Tuts+ courses in Envato Elements, which likewise gives you unlimited access to WordPress and presentation templates, and much more.

Envato Elements Courses Envato Elements Courses Envato Elements Courses
Y'all receive access to hundreds of Tuts+ courses with Envato Elements, including some courses on databases.

In this article, we're going to look at the type of database software for Macs that allows you to store various types of data likewise every bit customize it to meet your needs and too to integrate with other types of software yous may accept.

10 Features of Adept Database Software

Now that you've decided you lot need database software for your Mac, you want to make sure that the software you select meets your needs. Here are some characteristics of good database software to look for:

  1. Filters data. A good database filter lets y'all specify not only the information you want, but too the information you don't want.
  2. Searchable. The Mac database software should include a search tool and then that you can find a single record or group of records quickly.
  3. Written report features. The software should allow you to blueprint and print your own reports, cartoon information from one or more tables.
  4. Combine data. You should be able to combine several types of information in a report or search.
  5. Updates. The database should accept an update course so that you tin can update large amounts of data easily.
  6. Export. It should exist able to export data to other formats. Being able to export data to a spreadsheet, or other software tool, can be extremely useful.
  7. Includes backups. Any time you store information online, you desire the ability to be able to back it up. Backups protect you from losing data.
  8. Secure. Your gratis database software for Macs should have some built-in security features or give you the option to add your own security.
  9. Support. Database tools can be quite involved, so it's good to look for one that has some support features such as an active customs, tutorials, and so on.
  10. Documentation. As you're setting upward your Mac database, y'all'll want good user documentation to help answer questions and walk you through the process.

Of course, your own selection criteria for a Mac database might be different. If yous're selecting a gratis or open source database tool for the Mac, be certain to enquiry it carefully and thoroughly and develop your own list of must-haves.

How to Use This List

The following list of gratuitous and open source database software for the Mac provides overviews only. You'll want to use the list equally a starting identify for conducting your own inquiry to notice the right Mac database software for your needs.

Call up, a database that works well for someone else might not exist right for you. If you're looking for open source or free database software for the Mac it's a good thought to get your database programmer and administrator involved.  A basic knowledge of database query languages may exist needed to get the well-nigh from your Mac database tool.

Annotation: There are many unlike database tools. Also, many people are using databases on their Macs, such as FileMaker Pro , that aren't on this list because the latest version isn't gratuitous or open source. In some cases, databases aren't included on the list because they no longer back up the Mac equally well as they once did.

seven of the Best Database Tools for Macs

Hither'south an overview of some of the best free and open up source database software tools for Macs. I've too included a few personal database tools also.

1. SQLite

SQLite database SQLite database SQLite database

SQLite's code is in the public domain, which makes information technology complimentary for commercial or private use. This relational database management system is one of the most popular database engines out there, with literally billions of deployments. SQLite is known for its reliability, with an international squad of full-time developers. It also includes documentation through the SQLite website likewise as discussion boards to respond back up-type questions.



This popular open source database system is an object-relational database. POSTGRESQL has an active community, which provides users with support and documentation. There are as well POSTGRESQL events and user groups that provide further opportunities for learning. This database as well has a reputation for being reliable. It's oftentimes updated and attempts to conform to SQL standards unless conforming would lead to poor architecture.

3. MongoDB

MongoDB MongoDB MongoDB

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database with millions of users. It's licensed under the Free Software Foundation's GNU AGPL v3.0 license, making information technology open source. However, the company also offers commercial licenses for MongoDB, then that's an pick too. MongoDB has an encrypted storage engine. The user manual for MongoDB is licensed under Creative Commons. This pop database has user groups, white papers, besides as other types of support.

If you're interested in learning more well-nigh MongoDB, you may notice this tutorial helpful:

4. CouchDB

CouchDB database CouchDB database CouchDB database

CouchDB is open source software with an active community that'southward provided documentation and other guidance for users. There's even helpful CouchDB chats bachelor through Freenode IRC network and Slack. It's a NoSQL (non-relational) database that uses JSN to shop data. It's also a single node database that can be upgraded to a cluster if need be. You tin shop data on your own servers or on the cloud.

v. FoundationDB

FoundationDB FoundationDB FoundationDB

FoundationDB is a NoSQL database known for reliability that was acquired past Apple tree several years ago. In Apr of 2018, it became open source. Distributed systems are 1 of the ideas behind this database application. It uses multi-model information shop methodology that has the capability of storing unlike types of information in one database. FoundationDB already has an agile user community likewise as online documentation. It's probable we'll run across more of this database in the future.

half-dozen. Airtable

Airtable Airtable Airtable

Airtable describes its software as "part spreadsheet, part database." If you're looking for an easy-to-utilise database application this might exist the correct i for y'all. Airtable offers both a free and premium version of the software. The complimentary version is pretty powerful, allowing you to create unlimited bases with up to one,200 records per base. The free version also includes rich field types. There's a diversity of views bachelor equally well including: filigree, calendar, form, kanban, and gallery. Plus, it includes real-time collaboration and commenting. If you want to endeavor this database out, it's worth a look. If your business is small or starting out, the costless version may be all you need.

7. LibreOffice Base of operations

LibreOffice Base LibreOffice Base LibreOffice Base

LibreOffice base of operations is actually a database front end, but information technology's worth including on this list because it's free, maintained by The Certificate Foundation. For some businesses, this may be simply what they're looking for. LibreOffice base draws upon a lot of pop database engines such equally MySQL/MariaDB, MS Access, and PostGresSQL. Plus, it includes an HSQL relational database engine. If you're already using LibreOffice, you'll like the fact that information technology integrates well with other LibreOffice suite tools.


We've only taken a quick look at some of the best free and open source database software out at that place for the Mac. If you're looking for gratuitous or open source database software for your Mac, you'll desire to accept a closer expect at some of these options. As you select your Mac database software tool, remember that software needs vary. And then, brand your database software choice advisedly.

Do you employ free or open source Mac database software? Which database tools do you use?

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Free Download Sqlite for Mac Os X

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